Jun Ming
Family Name:
Time Zone:
Experience in GM:
ForbiddenMS 3months
SlickMS 1 week (it sucks)
Had a grade 4 GM account in MapleSEA for 2 years due to my contributions to the production of SG maps
Experience in MapleStory and when you started to play:
I played mapleSEA since its Beta, which is since 2003
Had 2 lv 200 in MapleSEA, if you want to know.
Did you play another server than IntegratedMS?:
What is MYSQL?:
Isn't it the programme used to host private server? A database? A programme?
What is VPS?:
I'm not very sure. Does it stand for virtual private server?
What is a role play?:
RPG? In a game where you have a character have do stuffs with it i guess. i'm not sure.
What you do if you watch a hacker?:
See a hacker? Mega the name out to inform GMs that are online to do necessary investigations.
What you do if you have a tons of question from other people?:
I will answer them patiently, unless its crap questions.
If you were a staff for IntegratedMS what kind of things you can do for us?:
1) Ban players that do not stick to rules
2) Do other stuffs that GMs usually do, like hosting events
2) Help in codings if needed (but i suck at it though)
3) If the host is unable to turn on computer for a period of time, i can help host the game (if he/she trust me)
How long can you be online:
12/7 normally
24/7 if needed
Why should we pick YOU:
I am experienced in being a GM, and is definitely trustworthy
Extra private information about you? (Answering this question can help you raise your chances in picking you as a GM):
I am a very helpful person that helps new players to the server to start up, helps buddies in needs. I usually get to be the listening ear to my friends as i keep secrets very well and is sensitive to other people's emotions, which is why i dont usually provoke people or make them angry ;D
[Yes/No Questions]
Is hacking allowed in this server? NO
Is advertising or other private servers allowed here? NO
Do you get ban if you hack? YES
Do you get ban if you make ads? YES
Finally, i would like to end by saying a word of thanks to those whom read my Gm App.
Goodluck in whatever you do, and have a good day ahead