Family Name:
15 years old
Time Zone:
Experience in GM:
I have been a GM in UglyStory v.55
Experience in MapleStory and when you started to play:
I started playing MapleStory in 2006.
Did you play another server than IntegratedMS?
I have played quite a few servers before starting IntegratedMS.
What is MYSQL?
MYSQL is the database management system and where the codes are the inputted.
What is VPS?
VPS (Virtual Private Server) is when you break the server down into parts and make them each have a separate server but they all connect to one computer.
What is a role play?
Role play is a game where fictional characters and play through the game according to the characters abilities.
What you do if you watch a hacker?
If I see a hacker I would take a screen shot and then inform a gm.
What you do if you have a tons of question from other people?
I would try to answer as many as I can but if I can't then I'll ask another GM to come and help.
If you were a staff for IntegratedMS what kind of things you can do for us?
I would host events if I had permission to, catch hackers, and try my best to make this server a better community for all players.
How long can you be online?
I can be on for about 6-7 hours everyday.
Why should we pick YOU?
I like to help players, I have experience in Maple and I will not abuse GM powers.
Extra private information about you? (Answering this question can help you raise your chances in picking you as a GM)
I'm quite a helpful and patient person.
[Yes/No Questions]
Is hacking allowed in this server? NO
Is advertising or other private servers allowed here? NO
Do you get ban if you hack? YES
Do you get ban if you make ads? YES