Name: Emerson
Family Name: Goh
Age: 17
Time Zone: GMT+8
Experience in GM:PhytonMS,ViceRoyMS
Experience in MapleStory and when you started to play: I started playing MapleSEA 4years ago. After awhile of playing MapleStory, i developed an interest for
it and started to play it more and more often. After 4years of non-stop maplesea, i decided to give MapleSEA a break and try out the Private Servers.
Did you play another server than IntegratedMS?: At the moment,i'm only playing IntegratedMS.
What is MYSQL?: MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS)The program runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases.
Which is used for multi purposes.
What is a role play?:Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behavior to assume a role,
either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role.
What you do if you watch a hacker?: If in any situation, i saw a hacker, I would first act out on what the GM Rules state. If the GM Rules permits a straight
ban i would ban him straight away. If the GM rules stresses on " Second Chances " I would first warn him and maybe jail him if he does not comply to
my warnings. If by which, evidence is needed to prove that i didn't banned the player wrongly , i would take a screenshot.
What you do if you have a tons of question from other people?: I would react to the situation calmly by first answering the question that is being most
asked during that period of time. Which after i will attend to the others.
If you were a staff for IntegratedMS what kind of things you can do for us?: I believe that, i have a chance to make IntegratedMS more well known to the
others out there in the world. As, most of the people around me in my life, also plays " MapleStory Private Servers ". I would persuade them to join to
make the community wider and more friendlier. I would keep the server hack free and peaceful. I will settle any conflict amongst players
within my power without resorting to jailing and banning.
How long can you be online:I can be online for a whole day if i didn't planned anything on that particular day itself. I am a very active person.
Why should we pick YOU: I believe that everyone deserves a chance to do something that they believe they can do it well.
Extra private infomation about you? (Answering this question can help you raise your chances in picking you as a GM): I am a hardworking person. I never give
up no matter how dire the situation is. I always charge forward with a ' Never Say Die ' attitude.
[Yes/No Questions]
Is hacking allowed in this server?NO
Is advertising or other private servers allowed here?NO
Do you get ban if you hack? YES
Do you get ban if you make ads? YES